Pre-Treatment Pest Control Advice
Thanks for using Savige Pest Control for your pest control requirements.
Please take a few moments to read this pre-treatment pest control advice notice. It is provided to outline the chemicals being used to control the pests requested and answer your questions about its safe use. All chemicals used are APVMA approved for use in pest control and applied as per the manufacturers label.
A representative of Savige Pest Control will be carrying out the pest control service that has been booked for your premises.
Company Licence Details
- Queensland Pest Management Technician Licence Number – PMTO-12146
- Queensland QBCC Trade Contractor Licence Number: 1209589 (Termite Management – Chemical and Physical)
- Queensland QBCC Nominee Supervisor Licence Number: 1026879 (Termite Management – Chemical andPhysical)
- Queensland ACDC Ground Distribution Contractor Licence Number. GDC1726
- Queensland ACDC Chemical Application Licence Number: G14450 (Commercial Operator – Herbicides)
Under the Medicines and Poisons Act 2019, the technician must not use a pesticide for the activity unless then pesticide is a substance that is APVMA approved for use to carry out the activity.
Savige Pest Control confirms the APVMA has approved the chemicals that will be used during the treatment
Precautions – Precautions to be observed during and after Pest Management Treatment
- You must advise us of any pets or of any family/staff/personal allergies or other concerns.
- You must observe any verbal advice provided by Savige Pest Control or our licenced operator at the time of the treatment.
- Avoid direct contact with Insecticide until dry. Times will vary for this drying period, up to 1 to 2 hours in some cases.
- All pets/animals should be kept away from treated areas until dry, and any odour has cleared.
- Close all doors and windows during any external treatment and keep closed until the odour has cleared. Times will vary for this period, up to 1 to 2 hours in some cases.
- This is done to avoid any odour entering the building.
- When gaining access to or working in the roof void, overalls and gloves should be worn to avoid contact with any insecticidal products. The overalls and gloves should be washed immediately or disposed of as soon as practicable.
- Infants and children should be kept off the floors and away from skirting boards until the product is dry.
- Water Tanks: You must advise us of water tank installations. Treatment will be limited and or restricted to areas around water tanks and water collection areas that are not fully sealed.
- Should you suspect anyone has come in contact with the treated area and has been affected in any way, contact Poisons Information Centre on 131 126 and have the Chemical Advice Form notice with you.
Statement of Warranties and Limitations.
- Savige Pest Control undertakes that the treatment of the property referred to in this Advice Form has beencarried out according to the highest standards. All chemicals have been carefully selected with due concern for all environmental considerations and are used in strict conformity with relevant laws and regulations.
- The benefits of any retreatment guarantee shall not extend to the assignees of the Client or to any new owner of the property unless with the written consent of Savige Pest Control.
- The Savige Pest Control fee is regularly reviewed and may be adjusted to reflect cost changes experienced in materials/services covered by this service.
- The service fee shall be due and payable on the date of service. Any FREE Service Period shall be null and void unless all monies due and payable to Savige Pest Control have been paid in full within the standard terms of business above.
- All references to termites in the Advice Form shall be Subterranean Termite species only.
- Treatment for control of textile pests (silverfish, carpet beetles and clothes moths) does not restoredamaged fibres.
- The proposed treatment only applies to the pest species named overleaf on this Pest Management Proposal. The program does not provide protection against any other pest/s.
- No responsibility is accepted, or warranty implied for any damage or consequential losses that may occur as the result of past, current, or future pest activity.
- While every care will be taken, this firm will not be held liable should the staining of timbers, fabrics, wall coverings, floor coverings or any other articles occur.
- WARNING. Where drilling and or cutting is required, no liability is accepted should damage result to concealed services such as power, gas, water, etc. You indemnify Savige Pest Control against any costs that may arise from such possible damages. Clear and accurate plans should be provided by you before we commence.
- You accept that this pest management program can be rendered ineffective if you fail to implement our recommended hygiene procedures by making building alterations or by the introduction of conducive or infested materials.
- This program does not cover treatment for or inspection for termites (white ants) or any other timberpests.
- We strongly recommend that you should arrange to have your property inspected for termites at least once every twelve (12) months and preferably every three (3) to six (6) months as recommended in the Australian Standards AS 3660 Protection of buildings from subterranean termites and AS 4349.3 Inspection of buildings – Timber pest inspections. A termite or timber pest inspection can be arranged upon request and is recommended.
- Compensation will only be payable for losses arising in contract or tort sustained by the Client named on the front of this Pest Management Proposal & Advice Notice. Any third party acting or relying on this Pest Management Treatment Proposal & Advice Notice, in whole or in part, does do so entirely at their own risk.

Des Ryan
On Behalf of,
Savige Pest Control